(11) Training on Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO) held on 19th August 2020
Targeted Audience: AGO, BoM, MIPA and GRA.
Resource Person:
Mr Alexande Taymans,
Global Facility Expert
Presentation of the state of play of the UBO disclosure framework within the BoM (e.g. Legal, organizational, educational/outreach)
Building a UBO disclosure framework from the FATF standards to a comprehensive information system
Global Facility:
> What are the UBO disclosure requirements (e.g. FATF and EU);
> The three FATF approaches and the objectives of a UBO central register;
> What is a UBO and how to identify and register it;
> The implementation of the UBO central register;
> The UBO information and the risk-based approach;
> Building monitoring, supervisory, and sanctioning mechanisms;
> Outreach activities, partnerships, and cooperation mechanisms;
> Role of the BoM, AGO, MIPA and GRA in the UBO disclosure framework.
Discussion and Mapping of solutions/follow-up actions:
> Outreach and educational tools;
> Risk Based Approach supervision;
> General legal, policy and technical aspects linked to the UBO disclosure;
> Follow-up actions.